October 20, 2013

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 10.20.13


Pour out your Spirit
upon us as we gather,
God of our salvation:
so your grace might strengthen us for service;

so your peace might calm
our troubled souls;
so your hope might mend
our broken hearts.

You poured out your life that we might
be filled with the gift of salvation.
You humbled yourself that we might
be raised to eternal life.

You are in our midst, Spirit of wholeness.
You enabled us to cling to faith,
when hope runs
through our fingers like sand.

You open the gateways of our hearts,
morning and evening,
that we might sing
our praises with all creation.

Hear us, O Lord,
as we worship in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Father, we see the good things in the world and in your law,
and we hear your invitation to live life as it is meant to be lived.

Yet, we often ignore you and ignore the good things you would have us do.
Instead, we chase our own desires and satisfy our selfish appetites.
Father, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

We see Jesus in his life, tirelessly loving others,
pouring out himself for them, and ultimately giving up his life.

Yet, we are selfish with our time and energy,
failing to love our friends and family because
we are too tired, too stressed, too preoccupied.
Jesus, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

You have given us your Spirit to comfort and guide us.
He speaks to our hearts and leads us to truth.

But we look for guidance everywhere else –
turning to other people and to human intellect instead of seeking your counsel,
and ultimately we just do what we selfishly wish for ourselves.

Spirit of God, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

Help us, Father, to hear your voice.
May we be a people strengthened by your life and your teachings,
that all may see your grace reflected in our lives abundantly.

We pray to our God in community, holy in One. Amen.


How do we respond to the difficult circumstances and seasons in our lives?
How have we experienced God’s shade in our lives?


We go now, secure in the love of God
from which nothing can separate us.

We delight in seeking the Lord –
looking always for the power and the presence of God,
letting love permeate all that we do.

May God work for good in all things through us;
May Christ Jesus conform us in the image of his sacrificial love;

And may the Holy Spirit help us in our weakness,
interceding for us, and in us, according to the will of God.

In peace, may we live to love and serve the Lord.
In the name of the Father, of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Sophia @ Flickr]

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