September 15, 2013

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.15.13


Listen! God, our beloved Creator, whispers to us:
echoes of grace sound in our hearts,
hope resonates in our souls.

Listen! Christ, our Beloved friend, calls to us:
faithfulness is the life he shares,
generosity is the path we can follow.

Listen, the Holy Spirit, our beloved Peace, transforms us:
the voice of our Beloved sound through all creation,
welcoming all into the household of God.

Hear our Lord and answer his call.
We come before him today
as one community to worship

in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Lord, we have come to see that our lives fall far short of your glory.
Have mercy and forgive us.

You have given your life for us, and poured out your Spirit,
yet we fail to return your love to others with all our heart.
Have mercy and change us.

Too often we are selfish and proud,
ignoring you, Lord, and neglecting others for our own causes.
Have mercy and cleanse us.

Lord, when we do not truly trust and obey you,
we are overwhelmed by self-pity, fear and worry.
Have mercy and deliver us.

In Christ we are given a sure hope and secure love,
yet we follow the false hopes and desires of this world.
Have mercy and forgive us.

Father, through the redeeming death of your Son on the cross,
by your Spirit and through your word,
transform and renew us to follow you with joy.

All this we ask, confident in your unchanging faithfulness,
God in community, holy in One.   


What are the patterns in our life that distract and disrupt us from living the way God intended?
Are we allowing Scripture to impact our thoughts and mind?


Go out from here and live lives worthy
of the one calling which we all share.
In humility, gentleness and patience,
speak only what is true and loving
and so grow into the unity that is ours in Christ.

And may God, the creator reshape our hearts;
May Christ Jesus, the bread of life, sustain us always;
and may the Holy Spirit unite us in the bond of peace.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by mallory rose @ Flickr]

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