August 4, 2013

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.04.13


We believe in an innovative God,
who does not wait for us to find ourselves
but comes seeking the lost and calling us into a new way.

We believe in Jesus of Nazareth as God’s crucial initiative,
that when he calls us to follow, Christ also gives us the power
to become, both in creed and deed, the children of the living God.

We believe in the Spirit by whom Jesus still comes to us,
calling us to follow him into an obedience which is true liberty
and to a humble service which is the fruit of holy friendship.

We believe in the church as the fellowship of Christ’s people,
called to respect and support one another 
through joys and tribulations as we travel the road
towards the building of God’s future.

Because Christ has called us,
in this we truly believe
and pray in the name of the Father, 
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Compassionate and Gentle God,
you have created us in love to be your people.
We give thanks and praise you for our community, oh God.

Yet, as we gather for worship,
we are reminded that we have lost sight of this gift
and forgotten how to really love you.

We worship other gods,
put our faith in the currencies of this world,
and impress ourselves with misguided power and stability.
Lord, have mercy on us.

We have looked for help in the wrong places
and ignored the extravagances you lay before us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Send your Spirit to come and breathe
its life-sustaining and life-altering presence
into us in these moments of worship.

Send your Spirit of renewal and transformation.
Send your Spirit that up-ends our lives and sets us on a new path.
Send your Spirit, O Lord, that we may learn to follow you.

Hear our prayers and remake us in your image once again.
We pray these things in the name of the One 
who rose from the grave.


How do you respond when you experience injustice?
What is it inside us that makes us long for bigger barns?


Go out from here and live lives worthy
of the one calling which we all share.
In humility, gentleness and patience,
speak only what is true and loving
and so grow into the unity that is ours in Christ.

And may God the creator reshape our hearts;
May Christ Jesus, the bread of life, sustain us always;
and may the Holy Spirit unite us in the bond of peace.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Carmen Marchena @ Flickr]

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