As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy.
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …
- The grief and anguish that Jesus experienced and his obedience in spite of that (Weylin)
- All the pregnant mothers, new mothers and new babies (Fred)
- My cousin who is getting a home makeover from HGTV after Hurricane Sandy destroyed their home (Sea)
- My new grandchild Charlotte who was just born (Karen P)
- Getting into grad school this past Friday (John K)
- The amazing place this community has been for me (John K)
… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Prayers of Petition. For …
- My sister-in-law’s mother and her recovery from surgery (Natalie)
- My friend Kelly whose father just passed away in a car accident (Natalie)
- My health and staying committed to be present at Space12 once a week to pray and meet with those who need spiritual direction (Fred)
- My coworker Robert who had a stroke picking up his son from school (Weishan)
- My friend Jeany who found out she had lung cancer when she delivered her third child and is about to undergo chemo (Julia)
… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
[Photo by RagtimeWillie @ Flickr]