February 4, 2013

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.03.13


In this place of worship,
in the places we live and where we work,

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us.
The Spirit of the Lord is in us.

Anointing us,
Sending us.
To bring good news,
to bind up,
to proclaim favor,
to comfort,
to provide,
to loosen.

The day of the Lord is coming.
The day of the Lord has come.

Let us give thanks and worship
in the name of the Father
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Our God, pray to you.

Praise be to you, O God the Father:
You created all things by your power and wisdom
and so loved the world that you gave your Son to be our Savior.

Praise be to you, O God the Son:
You became human like us in all things, except sin,
died for our offenses, and rose again for our justification.

Praise be to you, O God the Holy Spirit:
You lead us into all truth and spread the love of God in our hearts.

And yet, we often don’t see you and accept you for who you are.
We forget you, reject your teachings, neglect your word
or mold you into something less than you are.

Forgive us Lord for our sins . Help us to see you and to know you more fully.

Fill us with the vision of your glory,
that we may always serve and praise you.

In the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,


How can we embrace others to remove the division and labeling of “us” versus “them”?
How can we live in a way that instigates jubilee for those in need?


God, you have gathered us to this place,
where we hear your stories which show us
what the kingdom of God is like.

God, you call us to this place,
where we can learn how to serve our God
without reservation or hesitation.

Now God, send us from this place,
to tell others of God’s hopes and dreams,
so they too, can experience your hand
working in their lives.

Let us go in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Denim0nDenim @ Flickr]

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