June 10, 2012

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.10.12


The Word you spoke, and keep speaking, O God,
is the life, the sustenance,
of all that is – seen and unseen.

The Life you gave, and keep giving, O Christ,
is the recreation, the renewed birth of every broken,
wounded and sinful creature.

The breath you breathed, and keep breathing, O Spirit,
is the inspiration for creativity, compassion and community
that connects and unites all that God has made.

Life-giving, Life-restoring, Life-fulfilling God,
may our worship seek to honor you,
may our hearts be devoted to you
and may we give our lives completely over to you.

In the name of the Father,
of the Risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

— John van de Laar

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Great and Holy God,
we confess that oftentimes we miss the mark.
We mess up. We fall short.

We disappoint ourselves or others around us.
Most of all, we have not done all that you would have us do.

This is why we are here today:
for community that corrects and inspires us,
for worship that lifts our spirits and above all, you,

for the urgent reminder of your grace that abounds in our lives,
for the peace that enables us to embody your Spirit of peace.

In this time of worship, O Living Lord, remake us.
In this time of worship, O Holy Spirit, dwell within us.

Remind us of our calling to love and serve.
Grant us the courage to be your people
through the Risen Christ,
the only One who sets us free.

We ask in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


As we go from this place, may we take with us
your word and your Spirit that our faith offers us.

Here, we learn of and sing praises for your gift of life.
We declare that we will live as vessels receiving God’s radiant light.

From our eyes, may your light shine brightly
so that in the darkness we may see the needs of others.

Through our ears, may we hear beyond the noise of self-interest
to the calls for help from those in need.

May our hearts beat with compassion,
our arms be strong in reaching out
to lift up those who stumble.

We are sent in faith,
knowing you are peace,
you are justice,
you are grace.

Go in the name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by lawa @ Flickr]

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