April 29, 2012

Community Prayers 04.29.12

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy.

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …

  • My brother who got in an accident last night and escaped with minor injuries (Danielle)
  • E who finally gets a break and gets to go to Nepal for a couple days after having more downs than ups lately (Grace)
  • The Vox community praying for me as I’ve been going through some health issues (Lindy)

… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Prayers of Petition. For …

  • The Spirit to guide us where we live and work so that we will love and serve our neighbors (Gid)
  • Visiting Central Asia in July and all the preparation an travel logistics (Grace)
  • My sister who is having a tough time with school this semester and not sure what her next steps are (Rosalie)
  • A friend who got in trouble drinking an driving and another friend who might have to do some time (Skylar)
  • Discussions I’ve been having about social inequality and for me not to be jaded but to remember its a reflection of our need for God (Skylar)
  • Our nation and leaders to have wisdom and understanding (Ben)
  • One of our program volunteers that was diagnosed with terminal cancer and trying to figure out how to reconnect with God and living a different life (Steven)
  • The school where I teach and figuring out next steps if God still wants me there (Lauren)

… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

[Photo by Marija Strajnic @ Flickr]

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