In his days justice and peace will flourish till the moon fails.
In his days justice shall flourish and the voice of those
who are oppressed will be heard.
The poor will receive enough on which to live
and the rich will share gladly the abundance they have received
at the hand of God.
O come, O come, Emmanuel.
Let your face shine upon us, and we shall be saved.
We celebrate the arrival of Christ, future, present and past,
worshiping in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.
Choosing to be among your people
in the weakness and humility of a child, you are God-with-us.
Come establish your peace and justice with integrity and with mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we pray.
Congregational Prayer
In prayer, let us pray to God as a community.
O promised Christ:
We are a world at war.
Our peace depends on your advent.
We are a sinful people.
Our pardon depends on your coming.
We are full of good intentions but weak at keeping promises;
our only hope of doing God’s will
is that you come and help us in your mercy.
Lord Christ, the Word made flesh,
our world waits
for your peace,
for your pardon,
and for your grace.
Come, Lord Jesus.
We are in need of you.
We pray in your name, Jesus Christ,
our Redeemer and King, amen.
If there was something that you can start over or redo what would it be?
How can we live the year of Jubilee in our lives with our neighbors and culture?
Take time, in the busyness of this season, for quiet reflection—
For the light of God’s love is discernible everywhere.
We will let ourselves be surprised by wonder,
And set aside time to offer quiet thanks.
The good news of Advent is this:
Christ is coming to the world.
Christ is always coming.
We will welcome Christ into our hearts.
We will let ourselves be guided by his ministry.
We will go forth from this place in hope.
In the name of the Father,
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by anna verlet shelton @ Flickr]