December 4, 2011

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.04.11


In this Advent season,
we give you thanks, our Father in heaven,
and we praise you through our Lord Jesus Christ.

You promised him as our Savior
to a humanity gone astray.
His truth is a light for those who seek,
his power gives strength to the weak,
his holiness brings forgiveness to sinners.

For he is the Savior of the world
whom you sent because you are faithful.
You have shown us through your Son,
your concern for all that is weak and wounded.

If Jesus is alive among us,
let us extend his care through us.
May the Lord continue to dwell in our world
through our love and compassion.

And so, with all the angels and believers
around the world, we proclaim your glory
and joyfully await your coming presence as we
light the second candle of Peace
and sing our hymns of praise.

Congregational Prayer

On this second Sunday of Advent, let us pray to God as a community.

God of love,
all year long we are tempted to pursue power and money,
yet you came in weakness, as a child.

All season long we want more of everything, more for us,
but you alone offer what is lasting.

Through the work of our Lord Jesus,
who comes among us full of grace and truth,
forgive us, heal us, correct us.
Then open our lips,
that we may sing your praise with all the saints.

When we allow darkness to overcome the light,
forgive us, Lord.
When we reduce Christmas to plastic and tinsel,
have mercy on us, Father.

When the hardness of our hearts keep us
from seeing and believing in your Song,
let your grace fill us, O God.

Forgive our doubts
and renew our hope in Christ alone,
that we may watch and wait
and once more hear the glad story of our Savior,
Jesus Christ, the Lord.

In the name of the Father,of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.


What has God’s comfort looked like in your life before and how can you anticipate that same comfort?
How can hope look like waiting in this season of Advent?


All you who have tasted and drank in the kindness of the Lord,
thank him and love him.

The Lord keeps the upright.
Be of good cheer, and doubt not; for the Lord will strengthen your souls,
all who patiently wait for his advent.

The Lord reigns, let the people rejoice!

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Jocelyn Catterson and Jeremy Daigneault @ Flickr]

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