January 16, 2011

Community Prayers 01.16.11

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy.

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …

  • Who you are and that you’re very big, powerful, mighty, loving and care for people that we don’t notice. (Evan)
  • The intricacies and talents we’ve been given. (JR)
  • Roommates who just had a baby. (Chris)
  • My brother finally making a decision to ask his girlfriend of nine years to marry him. She said yes. (Jenny)
  • My brother who has been without alcohol for nearly a year. (Julie)
  • Those who have helped me out throughout this difficult season of the year. (Becky)
  • This time in my life. I pray that I can uplift the Lord with my new career, family, and community. (Lottie)

… let us bless the Lord.  Thanks be to God.

Prayers of Petition. For …

  • E’s team and that work that they are doing. (Gid)
  • Tuscon, Arizona and the families who have lost a loved one and for healing the wounded. (Dolores)
  • My husband’s sister’s healing. (Dolores)
  • Wisdom to use the talents we’ve been given for good. (JR)
  • The city to find another way to cut funds rather than cutting community schools. (Rosalie)
  • Friends here and abroad that you would heal their bodies.
  • Friends who are lost. (Skylar)
  • Sean and Amanda embarking on a new journey in their life. (Skylar)
  • The students in Central Asia learning to love God and for their safety. (Rachel)
  • People in Haiti who are still without food. (Hannah)
  • My brother who lost a friend at school and that his friends learn to love and support each other. (Emily)
  • Those of us that want our lives to count, that we live a life of significance. (Chris)
  • Support during a time a lack and the fear that comes without being out of my comfort zone. (Lottie)
  • Women in Central Asia and newly born babies. Be their voice. We thank you. (Eunice)
  • Courage to live outside of ourselves and look for something bigger rather than comfort and convenience. (JR)
  • The people in Central Asia. Be with the oppressors. Help them find you. (Dawn)

… let us pray to the Lord.  Lord have mercy.

[Photo by abbytrysagain @ Flickr]

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  1. Anslee

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    For the strength and talent to challenge a disillusioned industry with my profession and calling.


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