Stories tagged:

Values: Empathy

Gena Minnix continues our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Empathy and how essential empathy is for diversity [1 Corinthians 8]. Value of Empathy Theologians use “incarnation” to refer to God’s radical act of empathy: God became like us, in order to be with us and experience what we feel. We strive to reciprocate that in our relationships. […]

Values: Posture

Jason Minnix continues our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Posture and the complex journey of humility and how it’s embedded into Jesus’ interaction with humanity [Philippians 2]. Value of Posture God gives grace to the humble. And a posture of humility emerges as we receive grace in community. Jesus, though equal with God, emptied himself of power […]

Values: Artistry

Gideon Tsang starts our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Artistry and what it looks like to be a community that participates in being creators [Genesis 2]. Value of Artistry We are a community of makers. We live into God’s resemblance of artistry that was envisioned in the garden. The ultimate act of creativity is God’s redemption of […]

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who helped create our party, and those who came out to celebrate our first 10 years as a community! Special thanks to Jon Patillo for providing the gear and leading our setup groups. We’ll see everyone on Sunday as we enter into the next decade together! Below, you’ll find the closing poem by Wendell Berry that […]

Growing Up

Jason Minnix interviews Gideon Tsang, Weylin Lee and Harmon Li as they reflect on the first 10 years of Vox and the experiences of growth and development individually and as a church community [1 Corinthians 13:11-13]. Reflection: What is the vulnerable edge where I most need God’s grace today? What insulation am I being invited to let go of? Where […]

Good Conflict

Gena Minnix speaks about how disconnection be a crucial part of developing love for God and others [Luke 12:49-53]. Reflection: What issues prompted Jesus to wage good conflict? In what areas of life might God be calling me to nonviolent conflict? Resources: Video: Invisibilia – Disarming A Robbery Video: TED Talk – Jamila Raqib

Contemplative Being Workshop [Aug 17]

When: August 17, 7-9pm Where: Space12 We hope you can make it for a time of yummy snacks, watching a snarky video from the 70’s on contemplative being, discussion, and a guided time of centering prayer. This will be a good introduction for those curious about contemplative practices and an encouragement for those who are swimming in these waters already. […]