Stories tagged:
spiritual growth

Taste of Resurrection

As we continue in the season of Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about how we might define spiritual fermentation in our lives [John 21:1-17]. Reflection: What are some expectations that we’ve had but are not what is reality right now? What season in your life and relationship with God is ending or has ended so that you can experience new things? […]

Passing the Peace

As we continue in the season of Easter, Jason Minnix talks about experiencing peace whether we’re in a season of belonging or becoming [John 20:19-29]. Reflection: How do we give and receive peace when we are practicing becoming? How do we give and receive peace when we are practicing belonging? How can we pass God’s peace to those in our […]

Practice Resurrection

As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about what it means to be an active participant instead of a passive recipient in how we live out resurrection [Luke 24:1-9]. Reflection How do we engage in relentless curiosity in our journey of faith? What is the fear in our lives that we can come together to engage? What are the areas […]

Palm Sunday

As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, John Chandler talks about our eulogy virtues and contrasting our pursuit of victory with death and resurrection [John 12:9-19]. Reflection: Where in our lives do we need to quit being the winner? What are the things that we have been holding onto in our lives? Where do we need to […]

Composting Life

As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Gideon Tsang talks about how we can foster our deaths well in order to fully live [Philippians 3:4-14]. Reflection What are the deaths that we need to name in our lives? What would it mean for us to create space to grieve well individually and as a community? What word […]

Survival and Flourishing

As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Jason Minnix talks about how our story of meaningful conversion is tied to being continually transformed over the entirety of our lives [Joshua 5:9-12]. Reflection: How do we tell a new story in the transitions of our lives? How can we trust that the desert is meaningful and what is […]

Let’s Not Perish

As we continue to reflect in this season of Lent, Gideon Tsang talks about how we receive Christ’s invitation to not perish but live a timeless, full, and abundant life [Luke 13:1-9]. Reflection: What does it mean to repent in the context of the mystery of our faith? What are the areas we need to dig around to find life […]