Liturgy How long must we wait for answers, Creator?How long will you hide your face from us?What is our purpose?Why are we here?How long must we live so divided?Can you not end all suffering?Can you not liberate us from our oppressors?Can you not provide for us in need?How can we offer comfort to those in mourningwhen we are not in […]
Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.08.18
Liturgy Lord, the challenges of this world are very old,but to us, they feel ever-new, and alarming.Washed-up, bone-tired,we are thirsty forthe cool and steady wisdomyou offer from your cup.You walk up and down the streetcalling us to a feast,your very sacrifice the invitation,a foreign, tender mercyfor us to mull over.We enter your home now,to dwell in the place whereconfusion fades […]
Sunday Contemplative Prayer and Lectio [Mar 6 – Apr 17]
During the season of Lent, we’re invited to adopt a reflective posture of humility as we consider the sacrifice and suffering that Jesus experienced here on earth. Join us Sunday mornings online throughout the season of Lent from 8-9am as we offer a virtual time of contemplative prayer and Lectio Divina. We will offer Centering Prayer for the first 20 […]
Pete Enns Lecture
We often get questions about how we read the bible as a community. A few years ago, Vox offered a sermon series to give context for our community journey with scripture. Peter Enns has been one of our author mentors in not only deconstructing, but also reconstructing meaningful faith. If you’re looking to understand Vox’s relationship to scripture or would […]
How We See
Jason Minnix reflects on how parables provide a way to change the way we see God and ourselves [Mark 4:26-34]. Reflection How am I being invited to play with and in metaphor this week? Where can I plant scrappy seeds and let go of the outcomes to God? Spiritual Practice Play with a metaphor this week. Find a parable in […]
How to Apply Scripture
Gideon Tsang teaches through the texts that have traditionally been used to marginalize LGBTQ individuals and how they might still be applicable for us today. [Hebrews 4:12-13]. Reflection What does it look like to receive from God rather than barter with God? How can we use our power and privilege to include rather than exclude? Resources Vox’s LGBTQ Journey Description […]
Great Questions
Gideon Tsang explores how Jesus seems to value questions more than he does answers and why questions are essential to a healthy faith [Matthew 21:23-32]. Reflection: How can you embrace your questions of Scripture and faith? How can you celebrate a mistake, wrong answer, or failure as part of your spiritual practice? Resources: Podcast: Freakonomics: That’s a Great Question Book: […]