Liturgy God of radical love, shine a light to illuminatethe parts of us that hold hidden apathy and retribution.Fill our spirits with the same sacrificial lovethat overflows from yours, and heal us of our desireto pay back the harms committed against us.In place of malice, may we find empathy.In place of indifference, may we find a collectivecare that moves mountains.Though […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.14
Liturgy We come from places of straight lines,Grids that create small boxes for us to live in.Some of us have tried to follow all the rulesAnd some of us have tried to break every last one.Lord, free us to live the life you have given us.May we inhabit all the space you provide.We have been taught to color inside the […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.07
Liturgy God of dawn and dusk,You gather us here to witness your Light.A light that pierces through the thickest fog; a beacon for all to find warmth and comfort.God of morning and evening,awaken us from our slumber.Open our eyes to the boundless compassion that draws all things to Yourself.Like a mother beckons her children,You draw us into your continuous embrace. […]
Glimpses of Grace
What are the glimpses of hope, peace, joy, and love that we are invited to notice and hold with us? On the Friday before Christmas, Weylin Lee looks back on our year through both a global and local lens, before inviting us to practice sacred reading or lectio divina to glimpse grace in our own lives. [Luke 2:13-20] Resource Practice: […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.22
Liturgy On this Holiest of nights, Your stars are shining brightlyProclaiming the coming of Your SonChrist, the Savior, is born in a mangerHope has sprung for a weary worldand the brightness of morning is just around the cornerLet us join with the Angels and proclaim:O night divine, night when Christ was born.O Holy night.Send forth the good newsSpread the word […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.11.05
Liturgy Lord, today your saints come to you tired.Our demands on ourselves this week have been loud.The voices around us load us downwith ideas about how we can become holier,better leaders, more righteous, more pure, more productive.We want to do your good work in a hurting world,but dumbbells of expectation weigh down our arms.Our very muscles bear witness to our […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.10.29
Liturgy O Lord, how lovely it is to be your guest:the winds are sweet;the oaks reach to the skies;the waters like boundless mirrorsand the floating cloudsreflect the sun’s golden rays. Alleluia! We praise you Lord,for the glory of this morning,for the mercies that come with every daybreak. All nature murmurs mysteriously,breathing the depth of tenderness.Birds and beasts of our scraggy forestsbear the imprint […]