Liturgy Beloved community, let’s begin our timetogether with a calming, restorative breath.[Pause for the congregation to breath]The old stories of this earth repeatagain and again: War and rumors of war,Bombs, bloodshed, and destruction.Oh God, hear our lament.The old stories repeat:Children removed from their families,refugees fleeing their homes,The land stolen and exploited.Oh God, hear our lament.The old stories fail us. These […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.28
Liturgy We greet you, God, with the dust of this world clinging to our feet.We have walked in hard places and collected the grime of polluted paths.The foul smell of injustice is all around us and sometimes even wafting up fromour toes.But you have provided a pool of water, a place to wade into, fresh and clear.God, wash us clean.Give […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.21
Liturgy Good Shepherd and constant companion,Hear the voice of Your flock.We bring to You our burdens and our thanksgiving,our joy and our grief.We hear about quiet waters that promise refreshment,but often find dry land with no place to quench our thirst or rest ourheads.Turn these fruitless deserts into green pastures,into valleys flowing with milk and honey.When we feel helpless in […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.14
Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy with prayer.Your responses are highlighted in yellow.Easter is past, and we are surprised to find you still with us.Like your followers then, we are startled by your presence.We don’t have your flesh and bones to prove it.We cannot touch you or give you food to eat.Give us eyes to see the Risen One,Hearts to […]
Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.03.17
Liturgy Heavenly God, Lord Above,Our dynasties must look so small from where you sit.Peering down from the heavens,You find us in the midst of bloodshed, of turmoil,Tiny specs of humans from on high, forgetting just how vast you are. Forgive our heartache, our misgivings, our doubts.Help us re envision our lives in the midst of your grand scale. We come […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.10
Liturgy As the day approaches its end,so also our weary souls wane.Lord, breath the warmth of your presenceas we wander into the haze of night.In our weakness, it is so easyto let our fear and fatigue persuade usto suspect and harm one another.Lord, whisper your wisdom in our earthat we would hear it more clearlythan the murmurs all around us.The […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.02.11
Liturgy Heavenly Parent, Lord Above,We come to you this morning to be transformed.Our minds are weary,Our backs so burdened,We wait for you in the wilderness of a world undone.We hold still for we have faith in your mystery.We pray you come closeso that we may find your way.Spirit of the Redeemer, Christ our King,You call us to a mountaintop of […]