Liturgy We begin our liturgy today to acknowledge that likeJesus, we are called to be in this world but not of it. From dust we were formed and to dust we shall return.In this moment we breathe in your presence, open ourhands, and surrender. Let the gold slip from our hands. Let the empire eat itself up and be swallowed […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.10.11
Liturgy We are here by God’s invitation,to be fully present, to be here and now,to bring all parts of our heart to the table. Invite your joy and your grief.Invite your peace and your fear.Invite your confidence and your insecurity.God has invited all of who we are here today. This is a safe space and a sacred timeWhere our complex […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.10.04
Liturgy Have you heard the call of the spirit?Have you heard the call to come?You are welcome. We’ve wanted to be trusty and true,But feathers fell from our wings.And we’ve wanted to be worthy of you,But weather rained on our dreams. So let us start from here.Lay down your broken frame.Dry yourself at God’s hearth.However you came here,you are welcome. […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.09.27
Liturgy Loving God, we gather to centerourselves on you, to reconnect to thatpurpose that we have been called to. Together we feel the resonance vibrate alittle stronger. We find comfort and peace whenwe are close to you. Apart from you we crashagainst our limits, our biases, and our ego. We have failed the innocent. We seeour justice crumbling before our […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.09.20
Liturgy Creator God, giver of all thingsWe open our hearts and we open our hands.We welcome your movement and relax into the current of your presence. We have held on so tightly to the things that we can control.With jaws clenched and balled fists, we have dug ourselves into defiance.With embarrassment, we admit that have demanded justice for ourselves,but ignored […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.09.13
Liturgy Blessed community, receive the goodness of today.Receive it exactly for what it is just as ourCreator receives us for all we are. This day, like you, is a shining testamentof His doing and unmistakable proof of His being.Receive this truth in faith and comeinto the innate goodness of life. We pray in the nameof the Almighty,of the Son, the […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.09.06
Liturgy Beloved, gather today andknow that God is living in you, For when you opened your eyes this morning,it was the Spirit who roused you. When youfirst saw light of day it was the Son. In living and breathing right now,be reminded that our God is. This morning, may we open our hearts andreceive the love that wakes us at […]