Stories tagged:
Radical Love

Forfeiting Our Peculiarity

How can we overcome the adversity of our divided times without losing a radical love for those on the other side? On the third Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack notices parallels between anxieties about political leadership in the time of Samuel and our own. He offers practical tools for how to co-create understanding and connect across differences. [1 Samuel 8:4-9, […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.2.19

Liturgy Welcome, Vox family,to this sacred space and time.Let’s take a moment to pauseand welcome the Spirit. If you entered with shame today, release it,for God does not define you by shame. If you entered with pain today,acknowledge it, for Godcares about your pain. If you entered with fear today,welcome it, for God will seeyou through your fears. We invite […]

Trust in the Midst of Uncertainty

How might uncertainty propel us deeper into the mystery and revelation of God’s grace in the midst of injustice, suffering, and oppression? Virginia Cumberbatch sits with the sense of being out of control in our chaotic and heartbreaking world to find faith in learning to trust and work toward God’s Dream when we do not currently see it. [Psalm 99:1-5] […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.29

Liturgy God, you welcome us to this place.You have blessed us beyond measureby calling us out to be your peopleand to do the work of life together. May we welcome one another into your presenceand recognize what draws us together.As we look around and see the body of Christ,many members but all one people;all living, breathing, laughing, crying,mourning and celebrating […]

Come On Down!

Where do you return for renewal when your heart feels heavy with sorrow? Christopher Mack holds recent national tragedies up to the beatitudes and wonders how they invite us into an alternative to the violence of our world, while simultaneously creating space for us to process the hardships we encounter while partnering for God’s Justice. [Matthew 5:3-12] Reflection Where do […]