The following is the piece created and read by Jason Ikpatt during liturgy on June 19, 2016. To listen to the podcast of the sermon and Jason’s reading, click here rubbing salt into flesh wounds. pressing into bloodied skin with alcohol soaked rags. this is equal parts carnal flinch and spinal jolt. equal parts willful heart and trembling hand, a […]
Stories tagged:

A Prayer from Liturgy: Jason Ikpatt
The following is the piece created and read by Jason Ikpatt during liturgy on June 12, 2016. To listen to the podcast of the sermon, click here meditation is not only for the pious monk. it was always a fully focused effort, a consummate endeavor – we always set all of our furniture aside when the time came for us […]
Receiving Grace
Gideon Tsang talks about the challenge of receiving grace in our lives and how Mary demonstrated this in her life. [Luke 1:26-38]. Reflection: Who are the messengers of grace in our lives? What are the impediments in our lives that limit our ability to receive grace? What are some practices that will help us be more aware of God’s grace […]
Spiritual Discernment—An Invitation
Gena Minnix talks about making decisions that flow from and nourish our true selves. [Romans 12:1-2] Reflection: Are we in a season of being inclined to lean toward or away from God? In what ways do we engage Scripture to renew our minds? Who are those in our lives that are trusted and are in tune with the source of […]
Liturgy:The Work of the People
Liturgy means the work of the people. Our goal is to increase collaboration during Sunday liturgy, so starting June 7 we will be introducing a new rhythm for our community prayers . We have three prayers read each Sunday: opening, congregational confession, and the benediction. Everyone will be invited to participate in liturgy through our new practice of prayer reading. […]
Contemplative Prayer Time
Join a small group on Wednesday mornings from 7-8am led by Nora Brett, inside Space12. This is a time to check in, stretch, hear some teaching on contemplative prayer and enjoy a quiet 20-30 minutes of silence. [Photo by irenkapatrzy @ Flickr]
Response to Refugee Crisis in Iraq
My name is Megan Engel. My husband and I have been participating in liturgy at Vox since April. As I watch the news unfold about the horrors in Iraq, the mass executions and countless people fleeing for their lives, my heart is breaking. Please join me in bringing about change in this awful situation. As ISIS mounts its campaign of violence within Iraq […]