Stories tagged:

Naming Empire’s Enticements

What does it say about our spiritual imaginations that Lenten fasts often center on our relationship to food, drink, or media, but less often on our relationship to power? As we begin Lent, Christopher Mack examines the testing of Jesus in the wilderness through the lens of how we steward and are enticed by power. [Matthew 4:1-11] Reflection Where do […]

What Gods We Trust

In a world enamored with violent power over others, ensuring security for only some, Christopher Mack shares an alternative empire defying wisdom from those on the margins. [2 Kings 5:1-14] Reflection Where might you glimpse God in the surprises, setbacks, and ordinary moments of your life? How might you listen to the wisdom of the marginalized this week? How can […]

Solidarity with the Powerless

During this season of Lent, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to embody Jesus’ solidarity with the powerless [Luke 4:1-11]. Reflection What is our relationship with power and powerlessness in our lives? How are we invited to embody powerlessness or be in solidarity with those without power? Practice Solidarity with the hungry. Find ways to use our surplus […]

Power and Peacemaking

Christopher Mack reflects on how Jesus confronts power and violence by inviting us to consider what peacemaking looks like [Luke 4:21-30]. Reflection Where or what within your internal world are you struggling to be present? How might you be invited to exercise power through peacemaking this week?

Confronting Oppression

Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to confront the different forms of oppression that Jesus warns about and how some may even be expressed by our own community [Mark 12:38-44]. Reflection What are the ways we can be consumed with ourselves? How might we be able to lay down power in exchange for mutuality? Who are the vulnerable […]

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