Stories tagged:

Easter – Ascension

Chris Morton continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [Acts 1:6-8] Reflection: How might God be calling us to faithful in the mundane and familiar places we live? What are the unusual places and people that we need to engage with?

Easter – New Creation

John Chandler continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [John 20:11-16] Reflection: How can we be co-creators with God in new creation on this earth? What are the things in our lives that are worth giving and investing in order to be part of a new creation?

Easter – Sabbath

Jason Minnix speaks on the practice of rest and Sabbath as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [Deuteronomy 5:12-15] Reflection: How do we value rest and Sabbath in our lives? What are some of the things that distract and prevent us from practicing Sabbath?

Easter – Love Me

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [John 21:1-19] Reflection: How do we love God and are there things or people that we love more? What would it look like to use all your strength in loving God?

Easter – Our Stories

Listen to stories of Jason & Gena Minnix who have committed to being a Covenant Member with Vox. And hear the stories of Angel Stidham, Joshua Tsang and Mason Dickerson as they share God’s story in their lives and get baptized. Reflection: How does your story and God’s story intersect? What does resurrection mean for your life?

Easter – The New Garden

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we celebrate Easter and the resurrection. [Acts 10:34-43] Reflection: Who are the “others” in our lives that we need to live out hospitality with? How does resurrection and grace need to be lived out in our lives?

Lent – Grief

Jason Minnix continues in the season of Lent and reflects on the grief that Christ experienced. [Mark 14:32-42] Reflection: Who and what are some losses that we have not allowed ourselves to grieve properly for? How can we allow God and community to walk through our grief with us?