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Ordinary Weeks – Prophetic Posture

John Chandler continues from the Lectionary as we continue the season of Ordinary Weeks. [1 Kings 19:1-15] Reflection: How can we be a prophetic voice to this city we live in? What areas do we need to address and grow in our lives in order to become a prophetic voice?

Ordinary Weeks – Mistrust

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we continue the season of Ordinary Weeks. [1 Kings 21] Reflection: What are the areas that we lack trust in God’s ability to provide for us? What do we take into our own hands and intentionally take away from God’s hands?

Corpus Christi – Remember

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we observe Corpus Christi Sunday. [1 Corinthians 11:23-26] Reflection: How does your life match up with your proclamation of resurrection when you take communion? When did you truly examine your heart and reflected on whether it is soft or hardened?

Pentecost – Knowing God

Weylin continues from the Lectionary as we conclude the Easter season with Pentecost Sunday. [John 14:8-17] Reflection: How can we engage God in a personal way and not simply know about God? What are the things that Jesus did that we need to do more of? In what ways do we need to depend on the Spirit in our lives?

Easter – Ascension II

Sam Myrick continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [Acts 1:1-9] Reflection: In what ways can we live and promote the kingdom of God here and now? How is Jesus king in our lives and how do we worship Him?

Easter – Ascension

Chris Morton continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [Acts 1:6-8] Reflection: How might God be calling us to faithful in the mundane and familiar places we live? What are the unusual places and people that we need to engage with?

Easter – New Creation

John Chandler continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Easter. [John 20:11-16] Reflection: How can we be co-creators with God in new creation on this earth? What are the things in our lives that are worth giving and investing in order to be part of a new creation?