Stories tagged:

Hiding Place

Brandon Dickerson continues from the Lectionary as he talks through confession in the Psalms. [Psalm 32] Reflection: How can confession be a blessing to our lives? Who are those that we need to seek forgiveness from?


Gideon continues from the Lectionary as he talks through a song about where God dwells. [Psalm 84] Reflection: What is the source of our strength that we lean on to go through the valleys and struggles of life? How do we search for God’s presence? How have you experienced God searching for us in the valleys of life?


Gideon continues from the Lectionary as he talks through a song of help. [Psalm 121] Reflection: How do we respond to the difficult circumstances and seasons in our lives? How have we experienced God’s shade in our lives?

Our Story of Living the Church

Eric & Kristy finish off our series on Living the Church and what it looks like for them to live the church in the context of serving Latino students. [Romans 12] Reflection: What is your expression of living the church this season? How can you be inventive in hospitality? Who is God building your life for?

Mustard Seed

John Chandler speaks from the Lectionary and how the mustard seed paints a picture of the kingdom of God. [Luke 13:18-19, 17:5-6] Reflection: How can our faith become mustard seed that can take down the mulberry trees in our city and world? In what ways can the kingdom of God be expressed and lived out in the places we live […]

Live the Church – Belong

Jason Minnix continues our series on Living the Church and what it means to belong in community. [Romans 12:3-8] Reflection: What story have you been given and what story are you telling? How can you make belonging a spiritual practice?

Live the Church – Formation

Weylin continues our series on Living the Church and what spiritual formation looks like in our lives. [Romans 12:2] Reflection: What are the patterns in our life that distract and disrupt us from living the way God intended? Are we allowing Scripture to impact our thoughts and mind?