Stories tagged:


Terra McDaniel speaks about some attributes of Jesus that we sometimes overlook in our interaction and engagement with God. [Luke 13:31-35] Reflection: In what ways have we experienced the nurturing aspect of God in our lives? What would it look like to have a God who demonstrates mothering attributes and impacts how we make decisions and engage with God?

Spatial Values

Gideon Tsang speaks about our lived values. What did Jesus see in the temple that made him so demonstrably angry? How does that inform our season of Lent? [John 2:13-25] Reflection: Do our current sacrifices (for work?, family? pleasure?) align with our values? What areas of our lives tend toward contentment or greed? How does being God’s temple change the […]

Pecha Kucha

A few different members of the Vox community speak on Psalm 116 and present their meditation and reflections through a presentation style known as Pecha Kucha. (Presenters: Suzie Heritage, Matthew Worthington, Sarah Gamble, Josef Kristofoletti, Evan Wilson) Reflection: How do we experience the listening ear of God in our lives? How can your experience of God’s provision and love allow […]

The Other Side of Shame

Jason Minnix speaks about our natural response when we try to hide our true selves and how we can experience the gift of humility in shame. [Psalm 25] Reflection: What are the defense mechanisms we use to cover shame in our lives? How can we move from the place of shamefulness or shamelessness towards discretion and healthy self awareness? How […]


Gideon Tsang speaks about how we should see change in our spiritual formation in light of Christ’s transfiguration. [Mark 9:2-9] Reflection: What is a new intention that we can try in this upcoming season of lent? What are the thin spaces in our lives where we can engage with God? How would it look different for us to live out […]


Terra Tindle speaks about how we can make sense of God’s involvement in our lives even when we don’t feel it. [Psalm 147] Reflection: What are the graces around us that we overlook and forget? How can we tell good stories to remind us that God is involved regardless of our situation and that there is hope to come? Read […]

Conflict Well

Gideon Tsang speaks about how we engage conflict in our lives and reflects on Paul’s experiences and thoughts on conflict. [1 Cor 8:1-13] Reflection: Do you have a tendency to choose knowledge or love when it comes to conflict? How do we seek to be right instead of being kind? How can we serve others in our conflict? How do […]