Stories tagged:

Make Yourselves at Home in Love

What might it mean for you to make a home in God’s Love? On this sixth Sunday of Easter, Christopher Mack wonders what it means for us to make an intimate, safe, and revolutionary home by mirroring Christ’s Love. [John 15:9-16] Reflection In what ways do Jesus’ words meet and stretch you during our divisive, violent, and overwhelming times? Are […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.14

Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy with prayer.Your responses are highlighted in yellow.Easter is past, and we are surprised to find you still with us.Like your followers then, we are startled by your presence.We don’t have your flesh and bones to prove it.We cannot touch you or give you food to eat.Give us eyes to see the Risen One,Hearts to […]

Embodying the Tension of Resurrection

As we consider the significance of an embodied resurrection, what tensions are we invited to carry and embody on our journey of faith? On the third Sunday of Easter, Weylin Lee looks at the challenge and richness of an embodied spirituality. [Luke 24:36-48] Reflection How are we invited to live from our vulnerabilities and scars? How might we embody peace […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.07

Liturgy God of tender compassion, turn our faces to one another.Though we may not share the same blood,we are nonetheless woven together into one story,siblings in your cosmic family.May we be united in love,delighting and protecting one another,carving out spaces for mutual belonging.Dispel the forces of apathy, busyness, and numbing distractionwhich seek to drive a wedge between ourselves and genuine […]

Oil and Dew

What are barriers we perpetuate to keep ourselves and others from experiencing belonging? On the second Sunday of Easter, Christopher Mack delves into the very good experience of unity and the messiness that ensues as we work toward it. [Psalm 133:1-3] Reflection How might you feel delight in your body this week? Where is an oppositional identity persistent in how […]

Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.03.17

Liturgy Heavenly God, Lord Above,Our dynasties must look so small from where you sit.Peering down from the heavens,You find us in the midst of bloodshed, of turmoil,Tiny specs of humans from on high, forgetting just how vast you are. Forgive our heartache, our misgivings, our doubts.Help us re envision our lives in the midst of your grand scale. We come […]

Upside Down Glory

Where have you seen systems of oppression benefiting from the glorification of suffering? On this fifth Sunday of Lent, Christopher Mack glimpses an Upside Down Glory of God that does not require the renouncing of our Divine Image; sets us in solidarity on a path of downward mobility, and that reveals the violence of othering and casting out. [John 12:23-32] […]