If you’re like me, then the desire to live a missional life comes with a whole host of inner conflict. Where do I start? Is it effective? Is it sustainable? Am I giving fish or teaching to fish? What if I disrupt a local economy? Am I incentivizing unwanted behaviors? Am I enabling? Am I fully utilizing my gifts? What […]
Stories tagged:
mobile loaves and fishes

First Fruits Cowboy Brunch
A few weeks ago I shared during the Vox liturgy an incredible sight I recently was blessed to see. I recounted how the men who are currently or used to be chronically homeless enjoyed a beautiful (literally) farm-fresh meal on a sublimely beautiful Saturday morning with a host of our Genesis Gardens volunteers who chatted it up and found commonalities […]
All ROADS Lead to Ice Cream
Due to the generosity of Voxites, we had a budget surplus last year that we have been able to give out to local and global partners doing cool things to serve the poor. Some of that money went to Mobile Loaves and Fishes for their micro-enterprise program ROADS to fix up a bike and turn it into a mobile ice […]
Community Gardening
What makes a great garden? The best gardeners know its not about what you plant but what you plant in. The soil makes the happy plant happy that makes the tastiest veggies. That’s why gardens are such great places to build community: there’s so much that goes into the making of good soil that it takes many hands and many […]
Genesis Gardens
You know the natural progression: Seeds germinate, grow into plants, then after some botanical hanky panky, you get some delicious fruit or vegetable. That’s the desire behind Genesis Gardens, a part of Mobile Loaves and Fishes, to be creator and sustainers of something that is life giving. Steve Hebbard, the beautiful man spearheading this delicious project is currently constructing a […]