Stories tagged:

Live as Foreigners

Weylin Lee talks about why we’re invited to live as foreigners and how it captures the new way of life Jesus offers us. [1 Peter 1:17-23]. Reflection: How can we put aside our entitlement to create space for a posture of humility? How can we move towards sincere love that doesn’t carry expectations?

Waters of Baptism

Jason Minnix talks about being immersed into change as we hear the stories of Grace Minnix, Noah Tsang, Zachary Lee and Madeline Strickland [Matthew 3:1-6,13-17]. Reflection: How does it feel to be chosen and marked by love, the delight of God’s life? What if it’s true that God accepts every part of us without hesitation?

Lent: Learning to See

Gideon Tsang talks about how we can learn to see the kingdom of God here and now and how we can see as God sees [John 3:1-17]. Reflection: What does it look like to create space in this lent season? How can you live out of your worthiness this week?

Kindness to the Other

Jason Minnix explores how to respond to violence with loving kindness, both towards ourselves and difficult people in our lives and world [Matthew 5:38-48]. Reflection: What in my life needs kindness today? How can I extend compassion to the people who are difficult for me to love? Resources: Book: Rosenberg, Marshall. “Nonviolent Communication.”

Consent to Love

Gideon Tsang reflects on what it means to consent to where God is already at work in us and forming us this year [Matthew 3:13-17]. Reflection: What are we currently experiencing that we might need to consent to? What are some things we need to let go of? Resources: Video: This Year by The Mountain Goats Video: Trouble with Boys […]

What to Love

Jason Minnix explores how we can be more active in the filtering process of our spiritual experience [Luke 19:1-10]. Reflection What am I being invited to love today? What am I being invited to ignore today?

Values: Peculiarity

As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Weylin Lee explores why Jesus invites us into the peculiar practice of loving our enemies [Matthew 5]. Value of Peculiarity In the Sermon on the mount, Jesus gives us a picture of what our Christian communities should be striving towards. Holiness has been hijacked by rule based legalism/ fundamentalism. For us, […]