Liturgy Lord, we stand before you, sometimes awe-struck, sometimes mystified. We hear a voice calling our names. Sometimes we are scared. Sometimes we are comforted. Today we ask that our fears be quelled, our minds be sharpened, our ears ready to listen, and our hearts receptive to the One that beckons our name. Holy One, intervene as needed. Enliven us […]
Stories tagged:
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.02.04
Liturgy Heavenly Father, you open your arms to welcome us to this place of blessing and comfort. In turn, we are shown how to open our arms to those around us and to bless and comfort those who do not know you. You meet us wherever we are and invite us to your gentle waters and beautiful meadows and give […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.01.28
Liturgy Each person in this room is a kaleidoscope of feelings, experiences, thoughts and skills. Always changing, and always showing a different aspect of God’s creativity. Each person brings a worldview so rich, only their Creator can truly understand it. Our collective body is beautiful in its many parts, but is made truly magnificent when it comes together to seek […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.01.21
Liturgy Precious God, take us in this morning as a mother greets her child. Wrap your arms around us and smile at our presence. Pick us up from the scrapes and falls we experienced this week. Wipe our noses and cheeks from the tears and troubles we are facing. Show us kindness so big and so full that we remember […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.01.14
Liturgy “The miracle of life” has become a catchphrase that cannot even begin to contain the actual miracle of your life. The infinite and finite microscopic particles that perform one single minute function to operate one component of one cell on repeat endlessly so your heart can beat, your pupils dilate, your breakfast digest, are miraculous. The electrical impulses that […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.01.07
Liturgy We gather: a community of faith in God’s subversive world. We gather to celebrate that no darkness can extinguish Light, to remember that Love will always be more powerful than hate, and to trust that Peace will always be stronger than violence. We gather: a people of faith in the Light of God’s world. Welcome to worship. We gather […]
Thank You to Liturgy Volunteers
Liturgy means the work of the people, and every week an amazing group of volunteers steps up to craft our service. As we kick off a new year, we want to thank all the volunteers that helped out in 2017! It truly is the work of the people and we couldn’t do it without our Vox community! Interested in participating? […]