January 21, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.01.21


Precious God, take us in this morning
as a mother greets her child.
Wrap your arms around us
and smile at our presence.

Pick us up from the scrapes and falls
we experienced this week.
Wipe our noses and cheeks from the
tears and troubles we are facing.

Show us kindness so big and
so full that we remember how
worthy we are of love.

In the name of God, our mother,
of Christ, our Mediator,
and of the Holy Spirit, our loving Friend,

Community Confession

When we find ourselves in the middle of messes –
the decay and rot of bad habits and old patterns –
We rely solely on our ourselves to fix them.

Guide us back kindness and gentleness.
Remind us that we don’t grow on our own.

We try so hard to solve our problems
and those of this messy world.
We demand a lot of ourselves
and of our good work.

But you don’t demand anything of us.
Show us how to live in this freedom.

Give us your view, especially when all
that we see looks like tough, knotted weeds.
Remind us that it’s part of your beautiful garden.

All we have to do is look around
and give you thanks.

In the name of
God, our Creator,
Christ, the Risen One,
and the Holy Spirit, our Breath of Life.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 1.21.18 – In the Weeds

Is there an area of life where I feel ‘in the weeds’ right now?

If I were to pray a prayer ‘from the weeds’ what would it sound like?


Vox family, as we leave here today,
let us prayer together in God’s
working, thanking, trusting, and enjoying.

Love is God’s meaning.
In this love, we have our beginning.
And it has no end.

It is forth-spreading,
with God’s perfect grace,
into great lengths and breadths,
heights and depths.

All is one in love.

Go forth then,
in the name of God, the Author of our lives,
Jesus, the One who makes things right,
And the Holy Spirit, who breathes with us.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Maya Beano @ Flickr]

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