Liturgy O Loving and Embodied God,may we embrace with childlikespirits and softened hearts yoursacred truth of resurrection hope. Our minds are steadied,abiding in your revelation –that the Final Word isnot death – but LIFE. May this radical reality flow through us –flow inwards to our centers-flow outwards to each other. May your hope move through us –a constant stream of […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.02.06
Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy with a prayer.Our responses will be highlighted in yellow. God of Mystery,as the piano dances a melodyalongside a vocalist, so youaccompany us in our life song. The cello joins in, a welcome bass,a fluttering violin, at times, orchestral unity,in a moment, indignant cacophony,Through it all, you are with us. We come longing for harmonyunsure […]
In-Person Liturgy [Feb 6]
It has been a challenging season discovering what it means to live as the church in the middle of a pandemic. Many of us crave the weekly rhythm of being with one another to worship, while many others have adapted and found other meaningful expressions of connection with friends and loved ones. We acknowledge that there are no easy answers […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.30
Liturgy Welcome, Vox family, welcome, welcome.It is well, that we come together. Through the sound of the music,The faces and voices of those on the screen,The loved ones singing, sitting, or playing next to us,The stillness of being by oneself,The ache of grief for who you long to be seated next to, Perhaps the fur companion cozied beside you,The scripture […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.23
Liturgy God of the Deep –Inward we turn, overworked, we askyou to quiet the noise that frazzlesand tips us into panic. Attune us to the sounds that heal.Attune us to the music that buds. We live in the mire withthorns and rough edges,battered by difficulties,our bodies lag and sway. Tilt our faces to your glory sowe may see you without […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.16
Liturgy Heavenly Father,brothers and sisters in Christ,why are we here today? We seek community,we seek forgiveness,we seek understanding,we seek wholeness. Let us work together in this space to be thebody of Christ, united in mind and in heartto create a sanctuary for the Holy Spiritand for our souls that long for rest. May we come together this morning to bearwitness […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.09
Liturgy Lord, we stand before the you,sometimes awe-struck,sometimes mystified. We hear a voice calling our names.Sometimes we are scared.Sometimes we are comforted. Today we ask that our fears be quelled,our minds be sharpened,our ears ready to listen,and our hearts receptiveto the One that beckons our name. Holy One, intervene as needed.Enliven us and inspire us.Continue to be the dwelling placeof […]