Stories tagged:

Naming Empire’s Enticements

What does it say about our spiritual imaginations that Lenten fasts often center on our relationship to food, drink, or media, but less often on our relationship to power? As we begin Lent, Christopher Mack examines the testing of Jesus in the wilderness through the lens of how we steward and are enticed by power. [Matthew 4:1-11] Reflection Where do […]

Subversion of Empire as a Form of Holy Protest

On this Palm Sunday, Jonathan Davis reflects on how Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem subverted empire and injustice of his day [Luke 19:28-40]. Reflection How might God be calling me to subvert injustice in my own sphere of influence? How can I announce/proclaim the alternate Kin-dom of God this coming week? What parts of established religious systems do I reject in […]

Holy Week 2022

As the global Church has journeyed through this season of Lent, we find ourselves stepping into the heart of what defines the word Christian.  During the final week of Lent, we embark on what the Church has called ‘Holy Week’ where we remember, mourn and celebrate the life, death and eventual resurrection of Jesus. We will be offering a guide […]

Welcoming Discomfort

During this season of Lent, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to welcome discomfort as we reflect on Jesus’ journey towards death [John 12:1-11]. Reflection How are you invited into the vulnerability of practicing or receiving extravagant love? What is your invitation to practice sabbatical year rhythms that center around the poor? Practice Be vulnerable in extravagant love. […]

Why Do We Leave Home?

During this season of Lent, David Wallace reflects on our journey of wanting to be on our own and how God continually invites us back home [Luke 15:11-32]. Reflection Where are we being lured in our lives by Henri Nouwen’s “three human lies” (I am what I have, I am what I do, I am what other people say or […]

Come As You Are

During this season of Lent, Gena St. David reflects on what stops us from coming to God as we are in the moments when we are most in need [Isaiah 55:1-3]. Reflection What stops us from coming to God “unprepared?” In what areas of life are we feeling most “unsatisfied”? How might we come to God more quickly when we […]

Breaking Awe

During this season of Lent, Christopher Mack invites us to reflect on and consider awe and wonder as our guide towards the divine [Genesis 15:1-6]. Reflection Where in your life have you experienced awe? Would you like to see awe open up some part of your life to more hope? How might you look to awe to guide and energize […]