Stories tagged:

Lenten Maturation

As we continue in the season of Lent, Gideon Tsang reflects on what maturation looks like for us personally and collectively [Exodus 3:1-15]. Reflection How can you sit with a part of you that might be flaring up, ready to mature? What can you do to listen to the parts of you that need healing this week? Resources Podcast: Experts […]

Hens and Chicks

As we continue in the season of Lent, Jason Minnix explores the role of permission in our journey and reflects on the ways we may have been stuck in our faith [Luke 13:31-35]. Reflection Who have I given permission to love me? Where does my trust need healing today? How am I being invited in a gathering love? Resources Video: […]

Rootedness: The Vine

Jason Minix starts our vision series on Rootedness by reflecting on what it means to become more rooted to God and a spiritual community  [John 15:1-4]. Reflection How am I being invited into rootedness now? What surfaces for healing in me now as I consider rooting? Resources MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual Practice Vine Inventory.  What vines am I attached to […]


Gideon Tsang reflects on how full we are of gratitude and what questions we can ask that lead us to gratitude [Psalm 103]. Reflection How has God healed us? How does contentment work in my life? What does it mean that God’s love is steadfast and expansive? Resources Video: Obama Dropping Off Malia for College MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual Practice […]


As we continue in the season of Lent and celebrate Palm Sunday, Gideon Tsang reflects on celebrating what we don’t yet understand about God and faith [John 12:12-19]. Reflection What might it look like to offer your weakness to God and others in order to be healed? How can you celebrate what you don’t yet understand about God and faith? […]

Liturgy: Confession

As we continue our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Jason Minnix explores how true confession is related to our need for healing and reconnects us with who we really are [Luke 18:9-14]. Reflection: What would it look like to confess my need for healing today? Where do I need mercy to help me reconnect with who I […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.12.12

Liturgy We are called by God to be the church of Jesus Christ, a sign in the world today of what God intends for all time. To bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and to comfort […]