Liturgy As we gather around your creations,In all our weaknesses and strengths,with our youth-filled spirits and aging bodies, may we be your people, O God. Honest in our faith and eager with questions,singing our praise and whispering our prayers, may we be your people, O God. Filled with saintly determinationyet mindful of our human limitations, may we be your people, […]
Stories tagged:

Illuminating Rest
When you slow down the pace of your life what’s catching up with you? On the third Sunday of Lent, Christopher Mack slows down to listen to the woman at the well and how her encounter with Jesus invites us to rest and wonder. [John 4] Reflection Where might you listen for your embodied life’s need for rest? How might […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2022.12.18
Liturgy Beloved church family,let this morning be a time of slowing.Let us find a moment to pause and rest,to practice patience and experience peace.May our liturgy today be a healing balmfor the busyness of this season. Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation.We see the darkness and feel the cold,but also, we have the light and warmth to come. […]
Dreaming of a Just Love
How do we move from our reasonable resolutions to dreaming in league with the Divine? On the fourth week of advent, Christopher Mack opens up about how experience and encounter get us unstuck and in step with God’s Radical Love [Matthew 1:18-25] Reflection How is Jesus being “with us” an anchor through imperfections and surprises this season? Is there someone […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2022.12.11
Liturgy Today is the third Sunday of Advent, andwe light the third candle of Advent for Joy. Welcome to this shared space of awarenessand anticipation of how divine joy has come and is coming. As you feel safe and comfortable,you are invited to pause for a moment. Allow your body to soften.Allow your mind to find stillness.Observe what happens naturally […]
Making Space for the Unexpected
How do you usually respond to something that’s unexpected? On the third week of advent, Weylin Lee invites us to glimpse restoration and healing for ourselves and those around us, even in the most uncomfortable places and seemingly invisible people. [Matthew 11:2-11] Reflection What are the glimpses of restoration around us in the midst of disappointment? What are the uncomfortable […]
Welcoming Discomfort
During this season of Lent, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to welcome discomfort as we reflect on Jesus’ journey towards death [John 12:1-11]. Reflection How are you invited into the vulnerability of practicing or receiving extravagant love? What is your invitation to practice sabbatical year rhythms that center around the poor? Practice Be vulnerable in extravagant love. […]