Liturgy The Spirit of God transforms our minds and hearts.She stretches our imagination and expands our notions of possibility. With hope, She urges us toward futures yet perceived.Creation groans, awaiting collective freedom. Redemption is coming. God will birth new worlds among us.Through faith, we labor for renewal and restoration. Free us from the constraints evil has placed upon our dreams.We […]
Stories tagged:

Creation and Trust
What might it mean to have a nonviolent relationship with the rest of God’s creation? Gena St. David explores how the nonviolence of Jesus and the Apostle Paul’s hope that ‘creation itself might be set free’ could impact our relationship to all of creation. [Romans 8:20-25] Note: Speaker Gena St David invites curiosity about how the nonviolent practice of Jesus […]
Meditation of the Heart
Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how we might facilitate meditation of the heart especially in the challenging circumstances we face [Psalm 19]. Reflection What kind of song is your heart singing this morning? In what area of your life do you feel the need to hide parts of yourself? How does it feel to imagine yourself being fully known in that […]
Wisdom and Word for Exiled Lives
As we begin a new year, Christopher Mack reflects on how wisdom and word are embodied with us through Christ and how that opens us up to grace [John 1:10-18]. Reflection How are you feeling at the start of this new year? How does the image of God moving into our messy and complex lives open us up to grace?
The Point(lessness) of Pain
Nic Acosta reflects on pain and trauma and how we’re invited to explore and engage the tension and mystery that comes with it [Job 38]. Reflection How can we bring our full selves to the table, both our joy and our pain, and still seek connection? What does it look like to lean into the mystery of Christ, leading us […]