Gena St. David reflects on some helpful images of what God’s comfort might look like when we’re walking through fear [Isaiah 43:1-3]. Reflection How does your body respond to imagining God speaking your name? What fear feels most overwhelming right now? What superficiality in life might be starting to burn away? Resources Film: Death to 2021 Film: 14 Peaks
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What Does it Mean to be Rejected?
Gena St David reflects on where we might find comfort in the Christ story when we suffer rejection for living what God invites us into [Mark 8:31-37]. Reflection Which relationships help us endure rejection? Where might the Spirit be inviting us to risk rejection and wage “good conflict”? How might the Christ story comfort us when we suffer rejection? Practice […]
Comfort Ye
As we continue in the Advent season, Nic Acosta reflects on what it means to experience the deep comfort that God promises [Isaiah 40:1-5]. Reflection What kind of comfort do we long for? What would it take to live as though our lives are God’s home, and to consider God as the most hospitable, comforting host? Practice Compile a list […]
Embracing Needs
As we continue in the season of Lent, Liz Schepel invites us to explore and embrace our needs that we sometimes push aside [Psalm 63]. Reflection What emotion has been dominant in your life? What personal need might be at the root of those feelings? What do you tend to put ahead of your own needs? In what ways can […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.04.11
Liturgy In this Advent season, we give you thanks, our Father in heaven, and we praise you through our Lord Jesus Christ. You promised him as our Savior to a humanity gone astray. His truth is a light for those who seek, his power gives strength to the weak, his holiness brings forgiveness to sinners. For he is the Savior […]