Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.10

Liturgy As the day approaches its end,so also our weary souls wane.Lord, breath the warmth of your presenceas we wander into the haze of night.In our weakness, it is so easyto let our fear and fatigue persuade usto suspect and harm one another.Lord, whisper your wisdom in our earthat we would hear it more clearlythan the murmurs all around us.The […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.10

Liturgy As the day approaches its end,so also our weary souls wane. Lord, breath the warmth of your presenceas we wander into the haze of night. In our weakness, it is so easyto let our fear and fatigue persuade usto suspect and harm one another. Lord, whisper your wisdom in our earthat we would hear it more clearlythan the murmurs […]

Shifting Our Gaze

Where might you be misperceiving God’s intent in your life? On this fourth Sunday of Lent, Kimberly Culbertson considers how we navigate challenging seasons by looking at the story of the Hebrews wandering in the wilderness. [Numbers 21:5-9] Reflection How has God carried you through times of trouble? Where might you be “looking at snakes” and misperceiving God’s intent towards […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.02.25

Liturgy How curious!To follow Jesus is to notice what peculiar paths he takes.From the trailhead into the wilderness, whispering the adversary’s words,His steps lead to the shore, his footprints set into the very sea itself.Lord, we wander and wonder, “how can we possibly follow you?”We were told this path would be paved, straight and narrow,through Roman roads and American highways.Yet, […]


Jason Minnix explores how new possibilities open up when we bring our real struggles into our connection with God [Genesis 32:23-31]. Reflection Where am I being called to pull away and be with my deeper work? How am I being invited to wrestle with God? Where do I sense a new day emerging? Spiritual Practice Take an hour for solitude […]

Freedom and Community

Matt Inman reflects on how we can grow in our freedom and what freedom means in community [Galatians 6:1-4]. Reflection Do you believe that God is for your freedom? If so, what does that freedom look like? How might freedom grow for us as a community at Vox? Resources Model: Stages of Change Poem: How to Be a Poet (Wendell […]

Familiar Change

Jason Minnix reflects on how we respond to change in our lives [John 21:1-14]. Reflection How can I wait in the familiar with patience and compassion? How are the fires of belonging calling me to forgive myself? Spiritual Practice Embracing the Familiar.  What do I turn to when things don’t go the way I want them to?  Wait in the […]

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