Liturgy We arrive here together this morning as embodied beings.Steady our breath, Holy Spirit, as we seek your peace. In these our bodies this week,we have seen and felt and heard the world.Thank you, Lord, for those moments whenphysical sensation has led to joy. But our bodies have also seized our attention this week in painful ways: We feel the aches […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.06.16
Liturgy Father, I stretch my hand to thee — for no other help I know. Oh, my Rose ofSharon, my shelter in the time of storm.My Prince of Peace, my hope in this harsh land.We come to you waiting for freedom, We come to you crying forjustice, We come to you longing for peace.We bow before you this morning to […]
Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.06.09
Here we are together.A flock near this watering hole.We long for living water from youAnd sustenance from those around us.We delight in belonging to each other. Teach us, Oh God, to love those who arethe same and those who are different.Show us the limits of our own understandingand the vast reality of yours.We call to one another.Voices are all around […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.05.26
Liturgy God, we approach you in awe of the everyday miracles you have lent usthis week.We have watched children and roadside flowers grow.We have spoken with coworkers, cashiers, and family members,all of whom bear your image.We have sensed your nudges of love in our own hearts.In your incarnation, you showed us that spirit and body in here in eachother.Soul is […]
Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.05.19
Liturgy Loving God, we are here to meet withyou and we are here to meet each other.You have made us for connection, not forself-control, self-determination, or self-fulfillment.Thank you, God, for time to be together.We come in on our own or with our closestones, and we enter in to something larger.Bind us to each other. Not just the one beside us,but […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.05.12
Liturgy Lord, too often when we hear talk of your law,we think of rules and restrictions,strict obedience,and we balk.Heal us of our false ideas about your ways.Forgive us for our small visions of you.You yourself, becoming human,fulfilled the law by removing its trappingsand exposing its heart.In loving us, you broke the rule of an eye for an eye,offering your full […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.28
Liturgy We greet you, God, with the dust of this world clinging to our feet.We have walked in hard places and collected the grime of polluted paths.The foul smell of injustice is all around us and sometimes even wafting up fromour toes.But you have provided a pool of water, a place to wade into, fresh and clear.God, wash us clean.Give […]