Formation @ VOX

Formation Posts from Vox Veniae

Greenhouse Family Picnic [Sep 12]

We invite the Greenhouse community to join us for a family picnic on Sunday, Sep 12 from 12:30-2:00pm at Ramsey Park. Bring a blanket, some lunch, face masks, and your kids! We have missed you dearly and are excited to see some faces from our beautiful Greenhouse community again. Register for the family picnic here. [Photo by Bonnie Kittle]

Midweek Group Connection Night [Feb 3]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]

Greenhouse Video Participation

We would like to invite our Greenhouse kids and families to participate  in Greenhouse videos, which serve as an extension of our liturgy. Sing a song, lead the Lord’s Prayer, or share your highs and lows! To participate please fill out the form below. Greenhouse Video Participation [Photo by Sayaka M @ Flickr]

Theology Conversations

For some of us, we think of theology as a knowledge-based experience that only engages the mind.  However, theology is an invitation to practice a posture of listening as we engage and articulate God’s story in a way that transfers to all the parts of our lives and not just our minds.  Starting in May, Gena Minnix will be hosting […]

Greenhouse Participant Form

Greenhouse is creating an up to date list of our kiddos, their ages, and accurate parent contact info. If you haven’t done so yet, please fill out the form below. Thanks! Greenhouse Participant Form [Photo by Martin De Martin @ Flickr]

Online Greenhouse Classes

Children are invited to participate in our online Greenhouse classes! The classes will have a similar rhythm to what your children typically experience on a normal Sunday in Greenhouse. We will be adding more videos to the Vox YouTube channel soon!  Greenhouse Online Classes [Photo by Sayaka M @ Flickr]

Discerning our Relationship to Collective Fear

We know this is a time where collective fear is contagious at a much more rapid rate than any virus. So we’d like to invite you into a practice that can be of benefit during times of uncertainty. Discerning our Fear: Some are masking their fear with responsibility. We do want to be diligent in our part of not taking […]