Author Archives: weylin

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.09.26

Liturgy As the harvest moon lights our path intoautumn, we rejoice at the change of the season.The fall winds bring a welcome respitefrom the heat of the summer.With gratitude, we sing God’s praise. As we gather again in this space,we acknowledge the reticence in returning.We are filled with anticipation, unsure of whatlies ahead, mourning the distance that lingers in our […]

Community Prayers 2021.09.26

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the glimpse of being back together in community as we move towards in-person liturgy (James) clean scans recently, and six months being cancer free (Sarah) my little sibling’s wedding celebration in a few weeks, a light in the midst of ongoing strife (Sam) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. […]

We Are Not Other

David Wallace reflects on how our need for belonging can lead us to experiencing being othered and how Jesus invites us to see ourselves and others [Mark 9:38-50]. Reflection Reflect on a time when you felt “othered” and a time when you “othered” someone else. What feelings come to the surface for each? Recall a moment that contributed to masking […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.09.19

Liturgy As we gather from our week,we hold true to your promise thatwhen two or three – or two hundred –of us gather, you are there.Be among us and within us. Yet we admit that we do not always actas one body, and we let interpretationscome before community. Show us another way to live as the church.Teach us how to […]

Community Prayers 2021.09.19

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the bake sale that raised funds to support the Afghan community (Alli) the joy of running into an old friend yesterday (Lauryn) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … both of my parents having Covid, for the vaccine to be super effective, and for my Dad who has […]

What Does it Mean to be Rejected?

Gena St David reflects on where we might find comfort in the Christ story when we suffer rejection for living what God invites us into [Mark 8:31-37]. Reflection Which relationships help us endure rejection? Where might the Spirit be inviting us to risk rejection and wage “good conflict”? How might the Christ story comfort us when we suffer rejection? Practice […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.09.12

Liturgy Ever-present God, we come to you overwhelmed,a grain of sand lost in a mighty dune. We feel aloneand unseen, powerless to resist the winds of opposition. As the warmth of the sun meets our faces, we breathein the truth that we are lovingly and wonderfully made.With you, I am whole; with you, I am fortified. The scars of this […]