Author Archives: weylin

[Vox News] International Whistlers Week

For the common person, the act of pursing ones lips and blowing warm air through the minuscule hole is an act typically reserved for exaggerating a point or expressing one’s attraction to someone of the opposite gender, or if your name is Andrew Bird. But during this international whistlers week, the marginalized musical instrument known as your mouth get to […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.11.10

Liturgy Every creature, every plant every rock and grain of sand proclaims the glory of its Creator worshiping through colour, shape, scent and form. Creator God, may we join with the whole of your creation in praising you, our Maker through the melody and service of our lives in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. […]

[Vox News] Straw Hat Month Edition

Whether you’re a fan of the Kangol caps made famous by Mr. Snakes-On-A-Plane, or a collector of cute cranial furnishings from Figs N Feathers, topical treasures like hats and headbands are the next greatest thing to hit your skull since Rogaine and Psoriasis. I mean, when all else fails and everything else falls out, what are you going to turn […]

Generosity Report March 2010

We’re extremely grateful for the generous community that we have. Your generosity allows us to be generous to the city of Austin and the world around us. For the details of March’s giving, you can download the March 2010 Report. If you have any questions, please contact our treasurer. Feel free to check out our online giving options. You can […]


April 11 to May 23, 2010 Have you ever started a movie after missing the first few minutes? Did you wonder why the characters were acting the way they were? Were you lost in the story? The prologue of a narrative help us to understand why things are the way they are. Join us for a seven week conversation through […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.04.10

Liturgy Resurrection starts with the cry of grief, an empty place, a familiar voice. It’s tiny… like the fingers of a newborn. Seemingly insignificant… like the grain that lands in the clam’s open mouth. ‘Often overlooked… like the leaf bud on the tree. Christ has risen. Waiting for us to take notice. Christ has risen. Waiting for us to respond. […]

[Vox News] Special Update

UPDATE: As you all probably know, the update below was indeed our attempts at an April Fools joke. For those of you who side-stepped the prank, good for you. For those who didn’t … APRIL FOOLS!! Until next year, my friends. Due to the rushed nature of yesterday’s newsletter, we unfortunately forgot to include a few other important announcements. We […]