Gena St. David reflects on some helpful images of what God’s comfort might look like when we’re walking through fear [Isaiah 43:1-3]. Reflection How does your body respond to imagining God speaking your name? What fear feels most overwhelming right now? What superficiality in life might be starting to burn away? Resources Film: Death to 2021 Film: 14 Peaks
Author Archives: weylin
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.09
Liturgy Lord, we stand before the you,sometimes awe-struck,sometimes mystified. We hear a voice calling our names.Sometimes we are scared.Sometimes we are comforted. Today we ask that our fears be quelled,our minds be sharpened,our ears ready to listen,and our hearts receptiveto the One that beckons our name. Holy One, intervene as needed.Enliven us and inspire us.Continue to be the dwelling placeof […]
Community Prayers 2022.01.09
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … having food and shelter and everything that we need and some things that we want (Maya) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … our community to navigate the fires ahead in this year (Kelli) direction as I was fired from my job this week. I had left my […]
Wisdom and Word for Exiled Lives
As we begin a new year, Christopher Mack reflects on how wisdom and word are embodied with us through Christ and how that opens us up to grace [John 1:10-18]. Reflection How are you feeling at the start of this new year? How does the image of God moving into our messy and complex lives open us up to grace?
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.01.02
Liturgy Vox friends, from both near and far,welcome to this space and community. Welcome to all your beginnings, middles, and ends –within this year, within this week, within each new day. Let us take a moment to acknowledge this space and time. This morning, let us welcome a brilliant,new understanding of God’s presence.Let us welcome all the ways God willshow […]
Community Prayers 2022.01.02
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the joy of three weeks with my daughter after nearly two years’ separation (Sarah) the health and recovery of dear friends with Covid (Jennifer) the faithfulness of our community and our perseverance to pivot (Sarah) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … what we have endured the past […]
Fully Online Liturgy [Jan]
With disappointment and hope, our leadership has decided to shift our Sunday liturgy to being fully online on YouTube for the next few weeks. This decision has been made by following APH’s stage levels and advice from our local Vox health professionals who have constantly been serving our city through this pandemic. As difficult as it has been with reconnecting […]