Weylin Lee reflects on what a meaningful posture and practice of welcome might look like for us in our current season. Autumn Barker also shares her reflections on this text [Matthew 10:40-42]. Reflection How might we be able to create brave space in our practice of welcoming others? How is welcoming others inviting us into vulnerability? Resources Practice: The People’s […]
Author Archives: claudia
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.06.28
Liturgy Vox friends, from both near and far,welcome to this space and community. Welcome to all your beginnings, middles, and ends –within this year, within this week, within each new day. Let us take a moment to acknowledge this space and time. This morning, let us welcome a brilliant,new understanding of God’s presence.Let us welcome all the ways God willshow […]
Community Prayers 2020.06.28
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The opportunity to welcome my healthy nephew into the world this week. Jonathan All of you Vox. Maria … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … The healthcare workers on the frontlines of COVID. Samantha The healing and compassion towards COVID-19 patients in Houston. Samuel My mom Jan’s broken […]
Community Prayers 2020.06.21
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My recovery from surgery going well and that I get to be a father to my son today and for the days ahead. Jon My sister-in-law as she starts preparing for the joys of marriage in this strange time. Olivia The great fathers. Sydney The people of Yemen. May you father them through their time […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.06.21
Liturgy Friends, sisters and brothers,welcome to this sacred place this morning.Let us pause for a moment to be still and breathe. Today, when we are challenged,may we be receptive to the Spirit’s moving. When we are humbled,may we make room for God’s healing and grace. When we face difficult emotions and trying situations,may we welcome these experiences and learn from […]
Sacred Heart
James Allison reflects on the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the love that we’re invited to receive and give [1 John 4:7-16]. Reflection How can we move from a cognitive to a relational understanding and practice of love? How are we invited to meekness in our attempt to love well and to receive love? MWG Discussion Questions In what […]
Community Prayers 2020.06.14
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My dad’s recovery going well and without complications. Sam Jon’s successful surgery this week. Matt My surgery last Monday being very successful. There is no longer a cancerous tumor inside my body. I feel better today, in recovery, than I have in months. Jon The God within us that we all have – our True […]