Author Archives: claudia

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.01.27

Liturgy God, you are welcome in this place. You have blessed us beyond measure by calling us out to be your people and to do the work of life together. May we welcome one another into your presence and recognize what draws us together. As we look around and see the body of Christ, many members but all one people; […]

Community Prayers 2019.01.27

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … A place where our weaknesses are welcome. (Gena) My mother who is turning 90 years old. I’m grateful for my mother and I pray she has many more years ahead of her. (Dolores) Everyone who has a goal, that they focus on the light and add love to learn from the challenges. (Adam) A job […]

Our Bodies As Christ’s Body

As we celebrate and give thanks for our new home, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider how we are all an indispensable part of Christ’s body, both in our strengths and weaknesses. [1 Cor 12] Reflection How can you remind yourself this week that your being is pre-approved? What does it look like to embrace your limitations in order to […]

Good Wine

Jason Minnix reflects on the deep and little welcome that creates spaces of belonging and hospitality [John 2:1-11]. Reflection What does receiving welcome look like for me today? How am I being invited to engage in small welcomes? Resources Video: Spider-Man Into the Spider Verse Spiritual Practice Welcome someone to Vox in the next couple weeks. Host your expectations:   […]

Community Prayers 2019.01.20

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Passing the boards for NCE. (Robin) Today’s inspiring homily from Jason. (Terry) Improved health. Winning my court trial and for God’s presence. (Jack) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … Our brothers and sisters who are dependent on the federal government. And, for native communities and folks suffering […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.01.20

Liturgy God of water and wine, Bring us together this morning To pour and drink deeply From the storehouse of your grace. After a week of bruises and slights, A week of unmet hopes, We are here to rest, to recline In the living room you have set. Teach us, Welcoming Spirit, The look and feel of wonder, As you […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.01.13

Liturgy As we gather around your creations, In all our weaknesses and strengths, with our youth-filled spirits and aging bodies, may we be your people, O God. Honest in our faith and eager with questions, singing our praise and whispering our prayers, may we be your people, O God. Filled with saintly determination yet mindful of our human limitations, may […]