Author Archives: claudia

The Sacred Enneagram Workshop [May 25]

Deadline to register is May 20th On Saturday, May 25th we will welcome back Chris Heuertz as he leads his workshop “The Sacred Enneagram” The workshop is based on his book “The Sacred Enneagram” and will cover a variety of topics ranging from: Who Am I? Simple tools to identify your personal type and how to make sense of your […]

Community Prayers 2019.3.24

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The folks in the Vox community who helped through my GoFund Me campaign after being disabled the past 18 months. And, for my friend Andre who is here this weekend to help me process what I’ve lost. (Madison) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … The people of […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.3.24

Liturgy We are here by God’s invitation, to be fully present, to be here and now, to bring all parts of our heart to the table. Invite your joy and your grief. Invite your peace and your fear. Invite your confidence and your insecurity. God has invited all of who we are here today. This is a safe space and […]

Lenten Maturation

As we continue in the season of Lent, Gideon Tsang reflects on what maturation looks like for us personally and collectively [Exodus 3:1-15]. Reflection How can you sit with a part of you that might be flaring up, ready to mature? What can you do to listen to the parts of you that need healing this week? Resources Podcast: Experts […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.3.17

Liturgy You are invited this morning to welcome. Welcome the place where you are. Welcome your joys and your struggles. Welcome this holy ground. You are invited this morning to be. Be present in the place where you are. Be still in your feelings of the day. Be firm on this holy ground. You are invited this morning to worship. […]

Community Prayers 2019.3.17

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Healing. (Lauren) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … The pain and suffering which are an enduring part of the human condition. And, that love and light shine in New Zealand. (Sarah) Ms. Constantine who was a teacher at Ortega Elementary and passed away this past week. For […]

Hens and Chicks

As we continue in the season of Lent, Jason Minnix explores the role of permission in our journey and reflects on the ways we may have been stuck in our faith [Luke 13:31-35]. Reflection Who have I given permission to love me? Where does my trust need healing today? How am I being invited in a gathering love? Resources Video: […]