September 29, 2024

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.09.29


Heavenly Parent, Lord Above,
Where do we go to belong to you?
Our identities sit like a stone in the sand,
Ever shifting, always tumbling,
Sinking amidst a world caught in conceit.
We want our hearts to belong to you,
We want our souls to sing your name.

Jesus Christ, Savior to all,
How do we embody your grace?
We seek out justice but lack the heavenly altitude to see it clearly,
We pursue righteousness but kick up pain in each other’s hearts instead.
Help us tune our song to your voice of Grace,
Slow us down to move with love.

Holy Spirit, our Celestial Compass & Guide,
When will we know our true purpose?
Our time here is not infinite,
Our impact feels so small,
How do we know which stone to step on next?
Craft your whispers into our calling,
Help us flow to the rhythm of your tide.

We settle into this space
With the intention to be known –
By God Our Creator,
Jesus our Savior,
And The Holy Spirit our Guide,

(Vox Prayer Team)

Homily & Reflection

Podcast: Why Vox? Why here? Why now?

How have I defined my personal purpose in the past?

How do I define my personal purpose now?

What is Vox doing right now that excites me?


A house built for wanderers
Will always know your name.
A table set for skeptics
Will always save a seat for doubt.
A candle lit by believers
Will always embrace the darkness.
We flow through our fears
Without knowing where this tide will take us.
The creation of our purpose is part of the adventure.
Guide us Lord, we are ready to follow.

We set out on our week
Steadied by this Voice of Grace.
We are called to one another
Because we have been called by you.

Set us loose, Lord
To love deep and
Cherish every minute
You assign our story.
We leave here steadied
In the name of the Lord our God,
Jesus our Savior,
And the Holy Spirit, our North Star.

(Vox Prayer Team)

[Photo by Kristin Snippe

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