August 18, 2024

The Wildness of Wisdom

When you think of wisdom, what do you usually think of? On the thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Lilly Ettinger sees in Wisdom not boredom, over-spiritualizing, or dry asceticism, but joy, celebration, and a way of seeing clearly. Wisdom is an invitation to really live. [Proverbs 9:1-6]


  • How does the imagery of Wisdom building a house and preparing a feast invite me to live this week?
  • How do the metaphors of Wisdom resonate with my understanding of spiritual nourishment and growth?
  • What does the invitation to “Leave your impoverished confusion and live!” (The Message) mean for me?


  1. Quote: “We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.” -9th Step Promises, Big Book AA
  2. Quote on Hospitality: “We make sure we always create space to welcome others” -Lilly Ettinger

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