Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.07.14

Liturgy Joy comes with the morningThe kids are downThe dishes are awayOur pets stand guard(Or act like they do)Joy comes with the morningOur minds settle, or perhaps they begin their footmarchPerhaps our tears beginPerhaps we are a mother to our tearsAs the Psalms say,Weeping may tarry for the night,But joy comes with the morningLord, here’s to the anger,To the laughter,To […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.31

Liturgy On this Easter Sunday, how are you showing up?Whether in grief or joy, recently betrayed or reconnected,we are invited to awaken to what is here and now.O, infinite One of radical acceptance,help us have the faith to welcome ourselvesand each other, as we are.Whether dimly seeing through layers of disillusionmentor with the clarity of glasses that are just right,we […]

Being at Home

What does it mean to be at home? On this Easter Sunday, Gena St. David centers our resurrection hope in our embodied experiences. Allowing the good news to be something that shows up in our bodies, emotions, and relationships. [Mark 16:1-6] Reflection What would be different if I felt “at home” in my body? How might I practice “name it […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.28

Liturgy We come to sit with you now, our Mother God.You have made all things and provided what we need.We are like weaned children,Drawing close to feel your presence,Our souls stilled and quieted within us.For you, Oh God, are our source and our solace,Our hope and our connector.We recognize the many gods in our livesThose that cannot compare to a […]

What is our discernment rooted in?

How has pride in our knowledge limited our ability to love? On the fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Weylin Lee invites us into a practice of discernment rooted in mutuality that respects difference, embodied contemplation, and a freedom that protects the vulnerable. [1 Corinthians 8:1-6] Where does knowledge limit and hinder our posture and practice of love and mutuality? What is […]