July 21, 2024

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.07.21


Heavenly Mother, Creator Above,
What if we, your people in the hills,
Can find no space for miracles?
Our pasture turns to concrete,
Our dreams to coal,
Our songs misunderstood as our own elegy,
Where are we to go?
Lead us to the shore, Oh Lord.
Reveal to us the abundance of your creation.
We are ready to stand in faith.

Jesus Christ, Radical Savior,
What if we cannot find the words to ask for the miracle we need?
What if the shame is too great?
Our need is too big?
The stakes too high?
Lead us to the shore, Oh Lord.
Feed our souls with your grace & mercy,
We are ready to name our hunger.

Holy Ghost, Triune Spirit,
Outside this house, storms rage,
Monsters lurk,
The Earth creaks.
When you knock upon our door,
How will we know it’s you?
Lead us to the shore, Oh Lord.
Coax us out of our hiding place,
Hold our hand as our eyes squint in the sunshine,
We are ready to watch you work.
We pray this in the name of
God the Creator,
Jesus, the Renewal,
And The Holy Spirit, Keeper of Promises,

(Vox Prayer Team)


We invite you to hear from the Gospel according to Matthew 14: 13-16

13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately
to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from
the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had
compassion on them and healed their sick.
15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a
remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they
can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them
something to eat.

The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
The grass withers and the flower fades,
but the Word of the Lord endures forever. Amen.

Homily & Reflection

Podcast: Imma Need Space (And Food)

What space are you craving?

What beliefs are you wrestling and contending with?

What nourishment are you lacking and who might you ask for what you need?


  1. Book: A Faith of Many Rooms: Inhabiting a More Spacious Christianity by Debie Thomas
  2. Book: Still: Notes on a Mid-Faith Crisis by Lauren Winner 
  3. Book: Feminist Prayers for My Daughter: Powerful Petitions for Every Stage of Her Life by Shannon K. Evans


We close this moment together
Knowing the work is never-ending,
The grace is never-ceasing,
The promise, never more clear:
You are cherished and deserving of an infinite constellation of miracles.
May you take the beautiful space you need
In pursuit of your holy vocation.
You are more than capable of the journey ahead.
May blissful boredom lead you to your creative spirit.
The Lord will hold you in the quiet moments
when your adventurous soul exhales.
May you find a miracle when you most expect it.
Everything in your tender heart is known to the Holy Spirit,
And you are so easy to root for.
May you find the kind of community
who makes the impossible feel like a Monday morning.
May they feel God’s love through your hand and kinship.
We leave here together, in the name of
The Lord, our Heavenly Parent
Jesus, our Redeemer
And the Holy Ghost, Breath of Heaven.

(Vox Prayer Team)

[Photo by Azure Productions]

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