June 30, 2024

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.06.10


For the dreams we chase, Lord you are constant
When we fail to see the forest from the trees—
Lord, you created them both
The architect of bark, of stream, of meadow

We reach out to you Lord
With hands that are new and soft
And hands that are calloused and withered

As we grow to reflect the divinity of your design
The oaks, the rivers, the Earthen fissures that run through your masterpiece
Lord, remind us that you are present
In all seasons and all depths of our wildernesses

Lord you are here
As we chase, reach, and stumble—Lord you are here

May we rejoice in our unknowing
May we rejoice in what we think we know
Only to laugh like Sarah in disbelief

We offer up this prayer of thanks
As our time slowly rises in the East
And sets in the West
Lord you are the big picture
Thank you for the surrender, Amen

In the name of a Lord that creates
A Christ that transcends bounded time
And a Spirit that never waivers

(Vox Prayer Team)


We invite you to hear from the book of 2 Samuel 1:23-27

23 Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely! In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions. 24 O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in crimson, in luxury, who put ornaments of gold on your apparel. 25 How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan lies slain upon your high places. 26 I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; greatly beloved were you to me; your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. 27 How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished!

The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
The grass withers and the flower fades,
but the Word of the Lord endures forever. 

Homily and Reflection

Podcast: Let Your Whole Life Sing

What part(s) of your life and story do you struggle to welcome or find wholeness? 

Where have our interpretations of scripture  reinforced problematic, or unjust understandings of ourselves or others?

How can we embody God’s good news to ourselves and others?


  1. Book: Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Tom Horner 
  2. Book: The Love of David and Jonathan: Ideology, Text, Reception by James E. Meredith
  3. Book: Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words by David Whyte


May we take comfort
In the withering grass and flowers fading

May we take comfort 
In the decay, the moss, the shells from long ago

May we run our fingers through sand
And realize our smallness

May our palms hover over streams
And realize our impermanence, our constant movement 

In the name of a God whose love is constant 
A Christ who smiles when we doubt
And a Spirit who delights in every brushstroke 


(Vox Prayer Team)

[Photo by Arnaud Padallé]

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