April 27, 2022

Liturgy Bread-Baking and Coffee Teams

As we reengage as a community in-person, we would like to resume having home-baked bread for our communion and serving coffee before liturgy.

Bread-Baking Team

If you are a baker and would like to help contribute to this important and meaningful part of Eucharist, please sign up. We are looking for both gluten and gluten-free bread bakers. We would also like to find a bread-baking volunteer coordinator to help with scheduling, so let us know if you are interested.

Signup to Bake Bread

Coffee Team

As part of our practice of hospitality, we need volunteers to show up earlier on Sundays to help brew and serve our pour-over coffee. We will be offering a workshop to teach anyone how to brew amazing pour-over coffee. If you are interested in volunteering and meeting others during Liturgy, please sign up. We would also like to find a coffee team volunteer coordinator to help with scheduling, so let us know if you are interested.

Signup to Serve Coffee

[Photo by Hossein Farahani]

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