April 17, 2019

Holy Week 2019

As the global Church has journeyed through this season of Lent, we find ourselves stepping into the heart of what defines the word Christian.  During the final week of Lent, we embark on what the Church has called ‘Holy Week’ where we remember, mourn and celebrate the life, death and eventual resurrection of Jesus.

We will be practicing Maundy Thursday in our Midweek Groups (or your own group of friends and families). Our Good Friday Liturgy will take place at Vesper from 6-8pm. And then we have a self-guided Holy Saturday Vigil that you can walk through at home with your family, roommates or friends.

Maundy Thursday – April 18

Maundy Thursday traditionally commemorates the foot washing and last supper of Jesus with his disciples. It is rooted in the instruction that Jesus gave his disciples to “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” We will practice this tradition in our Midweek Groups (or your own group of friends and families).


Good Friday – April 19
6:00-8:00 PM at Vesper

We’ll continue through Holy Week together on Friday with the stations of the cross. You may come and go as you choose to sit with the crucifixion accounts through times of silence/reflection. The stations will be available from 6-8pm.

Holy Saturday Vigil – April 20

We like pain or drama wrapped up quickly. So we’d prefer to move right from the death of Good Friday to the life and hope of Easter Sunday. But Holy Saturday is the church’s attempt to wait – to sit and feel the loss and darkness deeply – as the disciples would have on Saturday. This night is tough. But we believe Sunday is a fuller and deeper experience if we’ll first wait and mourn well on Saturday. You can walk through a self-guided vigil with your family or friends at home.


[Photo by Andy Feltham @ Flickr]

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